kRiStEnS PaGe

AbOuT mE mE mE

kRiStEnS PiX

MoRe PiCtUrEs

FaVoRiTe LiNkS


My gUeStBoOk

iCp PaGe

Custom2 Page

~*My FaVoRiTe LiNkS*~

~~**Theze are just some of my friends sites and a couple are just some cool ones!**~~

LyNziS SiTemy friend lynzi's page..*bassy*
ChElSeAs SiTemy friend chelseas site
KaTiEs PaGemy friend katies page
sNiPeRs OuTpOsTthis is jasons page

WhOathis site iz pretty neat
The sexiest guys in the world
this is my first page i ever made!HAHA

RoNs PaGeoh this is a good one lemme tell ya!
bRiTtAnYs PaGeThis is my friend Brittany's site *the best singer in the world!!* :0)
MeGaNs PaGeMegans page..This is just a cute page :0)
My GaY sChOoLIcKy
KeLsY aNd ErYnS pAgEThis is my buddies..kelsy and eryns page